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Series Coming Available in 2024 - 2025
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Being with Pain
Introduction Video
Michael Kearney, a palliative care physician whose day job is alleviating the pain and suffering of others, tells us that how we live with our own pain matters. Unattended suffering affects our quality of living and our capacity to find healing for ourselves, for others, and for our world. By sharing his personal and professional story, Kearney tells of how he discovered a new way of being with pain, inspired by his experiences with Native American spirituality. By remembering our deep interconnectedness with nature, and practicing openness to our own pain, we can awaken compassion for ourselves and others and enrich our lives with meaning and vitality.
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Transforming Suffering
Introduction Video
Emotional and spiritual pain impacts our health and well-being as much as physical illness. Growing research from the health care sciences points to measurable benefits when the underlying causes of suffering are diagnosed and responded to. This series offers lessons and simple practices for choosing healing attitudes in the face of illness and suffering. Total person wellness always includes a sense of meaning, hope, healthy relationships and the capacity for forgiveness. These same qualities are the antidotes to emotional suffering and spiritual pain. Here are some important ways that caregivers and those we care for can become medicine for each other.
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Befriending Compassion Fatigue
Introduction Video
Compassion fatigue affects 40-60% of healthcare workers during their practice. Of those at least 20% will go on to more severe burnout and leave their profession. The medical model would have us believe that it is some sort of illness to be treated and cured. Instead we are all hardwired neurologically to respond in a way that automatically leads to compassion fatigue. Our training education fails to equip us with skills and awareness to manage ourselves in the face of other’s suffering. Rather than fighting or resisting or avoiding compassion fatigue, we must learn first to befriend it and then to learn skills that allow each of us to better manage ourselves while remaining connected and present to those who are suffering.
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Healing Emotions
Introduction Video
Effective caregiving requires both technical and emotional skills. While caregivers deal with the inevitable emotions of those they care for― anger, anxiety, sadness and guilt ― the same realities show up for the caregiver as well. This series offers insights and practical ideas designed to give caregivers a hand in both understanding and working with those we care for. The goal is a more reciprocal approach to caregiving and care receiving. In rebalancing the caregiver relationship we will recognize what is most deeply human in each other.
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Feminine Side of Grief
Introduction Video
Historically, women have been allowed, even encouraged, to express the emotions of grief and loss. Today, we recognize the need for both men and women to access the feminine side of grief that permits tears and reaches out for a circle of support. Too often those suffering from loss are told to “get over” their grief. By welcoming sadness and acknowledging where it resides in our hearts and bodies, we can transform pain into wisdom. By honoring the relationships with those that have died, we can continue those bonds past death. By celebrating the feminine side of grief, we can increase emotional well-being for all.
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The Masculine Side of Grief
Introduction Video
Grief can be tough. We live in a culture that disdains grief and sadness. But the fact is, we all grieve. Right now we’re either grieving a loss or know someone who is. Sadly, the grief dynamic for individuals within most families is one of isolation, denial, and silence. This isn’t surprising; it is difficult and awkward to talk about death. This series explores these universal subjects with sensitivity and practical support. Tom Golden brings a lifetime of experience with an emphasis on the differences between how men and women approach loss and bereavement. Regardless of age or gender, these lessons offer inspiring stories and easy-to-understand skills for both caregivers and people in grief. You will be amazed at the wisdom that can be learned from other cultures and the latest scientific research, as well.
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Aging and Wellness
Introduction Video
Healthy Aging is a key issue in today’s culture. Aging is not an option. Unless we die prematurely, we will all experience the aging process. How and whether we age successfully is a matter of choice even if we are faced with issues of decline in our physical condition. This series offers insights and best practices for caregivers, family members and those they serve to support our elders in the process of healthy aging.
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Power of Presence
Introduction Video
We often hear how important it is to be fully present when we are engaged in a conversation or activity. We are told about the importance of mindfulness and being conscious and attentive when communicating with others. How do we do this when our lives are filled with distraction, interruption, and multi-tasking? For caregivers who are stressed, focusing on the past or thinking about the future are mental habits that can be very ingrained. These same forces take us away from noticing, observing, and attending to what is happening right now, this moment, this hour, this day; the result undermines authentic relationships. The capacity for being present is both a choice and skill. When we are present, we support our own well-being, which leads to a less divided life for ourselves and those we serve. This series opens up a pathway to learn how to become more present in our everyday life, work, and relationships. Incorporating simple practices of presence can enhance our capacity for self-compassion and empathy for others. The practice of presence can transform our life.
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The Art & Science
of Prognostication
Introduction Video
In the past when people were asked how they would like to die, almost all said, “In my sleep,” or at least in a sudden, unaware manner. Most people now say they want to die at home, with symptoms controlled, family gathered around and able to say goodbye before dying. For such a death to happen it must be predicted, so that decisions can be made with goals clearly in mind. But fear of death, physician’s optimism regarding their skills, lack of research and training, uncertainty about how to talk about dying without “taking away hope,” and the reality of not being able to predict a specific time for a specific patient all work against success with regard to prognostication. This series challenges the assumptions learned in medical training and from society at large so that medical providers can enter into prognostic conversations with patients and families, a task that is fundamental to medicine and fundamentally a spiritual (not religious) conversation.
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Courageous Conversations
Introduction Video
Our healthcare system is increasingly focused on giving voice to patient concerns about the importance of determining goals of care. This is critically important as it addresses both patient autonomy as well as appropriate use of medical resources. Advance care directives can be useful tools to guide care as patients become sicker, but are only as effective as the conversations that precede, support, and infuse the documents. These conversations are not easy, and are often approached lightly or even completely avoided. This series, Courageous Conversations, provides insights and strategies that can allow for effective, factual, and compassionate dialogue, whether it involves delivering bad news or providing guidance at the end of life.
Available 2019
Guided Imagery
Introduction Video
Guided Imagery is a powerful way to access and heal deep areas of emotional suffering. While its practice has roots in many cultural and healing traditions around the world, Imagery Guidance is now being used in clinical settings around the world for pain and symptom management. The techniques taught in this series can easily be learned by professional care providers. Variations of the tools in each lesson can also be adapted for family caregivers and volunteers in hospice, faith community settings and in recovery programs. Aspects of Guided Imagery will also be introduced as a supportive practice during times of major life transitions and for persons dealing with grief and loss.
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Possibilities in Life
Introduction Video
Marlis Beier MD, teacher spent 20 years in Obstetrics and Gynecology before facing her own loss and redefinition due to MS, which changed her focus to end of life care. Her passion for finding the gift in times of transition led to this series about how to find wisdom and how to accompany another in the challenges in life. Every patient faces a transition when admitted to hospital or hospice. The series teaches about the gifts possible while accompanying others and a shift in perspective about how to be with a person in an altered states of consciousness. Attention to dreams and life review during big life events offer insights and greater understanding of ourselves. As a health practitioner, it is our ability to pay attention to the story that keeps us engaged and effective.
Future Series
– Reconnecting Soul & Role of Caregiving
– Medicalizing Death
– Gender and Grief
– Adolescence and Suicide
– Creating Effective Programs for Self-Care
– Yoga for Beginners
– Enneagram in Work and Relationship
– The Art of Spiritual Discernment
Available 2022
Altered States
of Consciousness
Introduction Video
Process Psychology has developed a remarkable tool chest for supporting persons in altered states of consciousness. Simple and accessible skills are available for both professional and family caregivers that offer a profound sense of connection alleviating suffering and enforcing positive relationships. Even extreme altered states like coma are symptomatic of a need for inner work. The specific styles of communication based on sensory grounded feedback have been proved to enhance relationships and address the greatest fear that people have in altered states—being trapped or left alone. A powerful ethical principle for this series is, “Someone is always home.”