Web Articles
Wolfe F, Hawley DJ, Wilson K. “The prevalence and meaning of fatigue in rheumatic disease.” (PMID:8856621) Arthritis Research and Clinical Center, Wichita State University, KS 67214, USA. [email protected] The Journal of Rheumatology [1996, 23(8):1407-1417] (for purchase or available for free for care providers)
Patricia S. Simoni EdD, RN, CS , John J. Paterson EdD “Hardiness, Coping and Burnout in the Nursing Workplace“ Journal of Professional Nursing Volume 13, Issue 3, May–June 1997, Pages 178–185 (for purchase)
J M Mossey and E Shapiro. “Self-rated health: a predictor of mortality among the elderly.” American Journal of Public Health August 1982: Vol. 72, No. 8, pp. 800-808. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.72.8.800 (full text)
Verna Benner Carson, RN, PhD, CS; Harry Green, PhD; “Spiritual well-being: A predictor of hardiness in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome” Journal of Professional Nursing Volume 8, Issue 4, July–August 1992, Pages 209-220 (for purchase or available for free for care providers)
Gail Horton, Ph.D.; Naelys Luna, Ph.D., and Tammy Malloy, “Attachment Style, Spirituality, and Depressive Symptoms Among Individuals in Substance Abuse Treatment”
Crystal L Park “The Meaning Making Model: A Framework for Understanding Meaning, Spirituality, and Stress-Related Growth in Health Psychology” The European Health Psychologist. June 2013 (full text)
Carol J. Lysne 1 and Amy B. Wachholtz “Pain, Spirituality, and Meaning Making: What Can We Learn from the Literature?” Religions 2011, 2(1), 1-16; doi:10.3390/rel2010001 (full text)
Mona Dekoven Fishbane, Ph.D, “Wired to Connect: Neuroscience, Relationships, and Therapy” Fam Proc 46:395–412, 2007 (full text)
Sacred Art of Living Center
Website of the Sacred Art of Living Center, sponsor of the Soul & Science project.
Mindsight Institute of Dr. Daniel Siegel
Our mission at the Mindsight Institute is to provide a scientifically grounded, integrated view of human development for mental health practitioners, educators, organizational leaders, parents, and others to promote the growth of vibrant lives and healthy minds.
Ernst Becker Foundation
Foundation of the Pulitzer Prize winning author and researcher, Ernst Becker, whose book, The Denial of Death challenges American and Western culture to investigate how the issues of mortality and meaning influence every person’s life, health and well being.