Web Materials: Befriending Compassion Fatigue Lesson 3


Web Articles

Michael S. Krasner; Ronald M. Epstein; Howard Beckman; et al. “Association of an Educational Program in Mindful Communication with Burnout, Empathy, and Attitudes Among Primary Care Physicians” JAMA. 2009;302(12):1284-1293 (doi:10.1001/jama.2009.1384) (Full PDF)

Tone, Erin B., and Erin C. Tully. “Empathy as a ‘Risky Strength’: A Multilevel Examination of Empathy and Risk for Internalizing Disorders.Development and psychopathology 26.4 0 2 (2014): 1547–1565. PMC. Web. 11 Mar. 2016. (full text available)

Mohammadreza Hojat, Joseph S. Gonnella, Thomas J. Nasca, Salvatore Mangione MD, Michael Vergare, and Michael Magee “Physician empathy: definition, components, measurement, and relationship to gender and specialty” (full PDF available)

Wittenberg-Lyles E, Oliver DP, Demiris G, Rankin A, Shaunfield S, Kruse RL. “Conveying empathy to hospice family caregivers: Team responses to caregiver empathic communication.” Patient education and counseling. 2012;89(1):31-37. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2012.04.004. (full text available)

Elliot M. Hirsch, MD “The Role of Empathy in Medicine: A Medical Student’s Perspective Virtual Mentor.” June 2007, Volume 9, Number 6: 423-427. (full article)

Selzer, Leon F “Trauma and the Freeze Response: Good, Bad, or Both?” Psychology Today

Kenneth D. Craig “The facial expression of pain better than a thousand words?” Science Direct

Halifax, Joan PhD “The Precious Necessity of Compassion” Journal of pain and symptom management (Impact Factor: 2.8). 11/2010; 41(1). DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2010.08.010 Link not permitted under copyright: Article can be found at: https://www.upaya.org/uploads/pdfs/ThePreciousNecessityofCompassion1.11.pdf



Mindful is a site created by the Foundation for a Mindful Society, an independent non-profit located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mindful seeks to become the voice of the fast-emerging mindfulness movement. Its mission is to inspire, guide, and connect all those who want to live with awareness and compassion, to enjoy the proven benefits of mindfulness practices, and to create a more mindful and caring society. Mindful  supports the growth of mindful practices in all aspects of secular modern life, and is not affiliated with any particular spiritual or sectarian approach.

UMASS Medical School Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society

This website is a product of the University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness. Its mission statement is: to explore, understand, articulate and further mindfulness in the lives of individuals, organizations and communities through clinical care, rigorous scientific research, professional training, and informed public discourse.

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

UCLA has created this website to support The Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC). MARC is a partner of the Norman Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology within the Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA. MARC’s mission is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society.