Web Materials: Aging and Wellness Lesson 4


Web Articles

Paul Wong, Lisa Watt, “What Types of Reminiscence Are Associated With Successful Aging? Psychology and Aging” 1991, Vol .6, No. 2, 272-279  The American Psychological Association. Inc. 0882-7974/91/S3.00. (Full Text)

Paul Wong, “Personal Meaning and Successful Aging” Canadian Psychology / Psychologie Canadienne, 1989, 30:3. (Full Text)

Dan Songa, Qin Shena, Tu-Zhen Xub, Qiu-Hua Suna, “Effects of group reminiscence on elderly depression: A meta-analysis” International Journal of Nursing Sciences Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2014, Pages 416–422. (Full Text)

David Haber “Life Review: Implementation, Theory, Research, and Therapy” Int’l. J. Aging and Human Development, Vol. 63(2) 153-171, 2006. (Full Text)

Harvey Max Chochinov, et al. “Dignity Therapy: A Novel Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Patients Near the End of Life” Journal of Clinical Oncology August 20, 2005 vol. 23no. 24 5520-5525. (Full Text)

Faika Zanjani, et al. “Memory Banking: A Life Story Intervention for Aging Preparation and Mental Health Promotion” J Aging Health March 2015 27: 355-376, first published on September 19, 2014. (Full Text)

Shelley Johns, “Translating Dignity Therapy into Practice: Effects and Lessons Learned” Omega (Westport) August 2013 67: 135-145. (Full Text)

Tatsuo Akechi “Psychotherapy for Depression Among Patients with Advanced Cancer” Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol. (2012) 42 (12):1113-1119.doi: 10.1093/jjco/hys152. (Full Text)

Robert E. Enck, “Dignity” American Journal of Hospital Palliative Care. February 2012 vol. 29 no. 1 5-6. (Full Text)

The Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland “Living well with dementia: enhancing dignity and quality of life, using a novel intervention, Dignity Therapy” Institutions involved: University of Nottingham; NHS Tayside, NHS Grampian. (Abstract)

(Article Found on Page 59) Ernst Bohlmeijer Filip Smit Pim Cuijpers “Effects of reminiscence and life-review on latelife depression: A meta-analysis” International Journal of Geriatric Studies (2003), 18: 1088-1094. (Full Text)

Michael H. Beechem, Cybil Anthony, James Kurtz “A Life Review Interview Guide: A Structured Systems Approach to Information Gathering” The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 46(1):25-44 · December 1997. (Full Text) Source: PubMed (free for care providers)

Gary T. Reker, James E. Birren, and Cheryl Svensson “Self-Aspect Reconstruction through Guided Autobiography: Exploring Underlying Processes” The International Journal of Reminiscence and Life Review  2014 The Authors 2014, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 1-15. (Full Text)


The Legacy Project

The Legacy Project is an independent, big-picture research, learning, and social innovation group that works across generations.

Drawing on the natural and social sciences, our YOU 177 global initiative is about building 7-Generation communities.

The Legacy Project’s three banner programs reflect the three levels of legacy. LifeDreams explores personal development and creating your life. Across Generations explores our connections with others, and encourages closer relationships between generations. Our World explores how each of us can help change the world to address issues like building stronger communities and caring for the environment.

The Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies

The Birren Center brings together people from diverse backgrounds. It is committed to research and enriching lives through writing and sharing the Guided Autobiography experience with others.

The program provides opportunities for education, training, research and dissemination of information to professionals and others engaged in the fields of life review, life story writing, and aging. Cheryl Svensson, Ph.D. worked closely with Dr. Birren for nearly 20 years and is the Director of the Birren Center

Dignity in Care Website

Dignity, Kindness, and Respect: These core values of health care must be safeguarded in our time-pressured world. Dignity in Care provides practical ideas and tools to support a culture of compassion and respect throughout the health care system.

Dignity in Care is based on 15 years of study by  Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov and the Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit, in collaboration with progressive researchers from Australia, England and the United States.

They have found that:

People working in health care can have a huge influence on the dignity of those who use health care services, which in turn can improve the patient experience and increase satisfaction with health care.

Good communication is an essential ingredient for providing the best quality of health care and patient safety.

Other researchers have found that better interactions between those who provide and use health care can result in better health outcomes for patients and improved job satisfaction for those who work in health care.

These findings show the importance of making dignity a conscious goal of health care, particularly at the bedside.

Story Corps

Listening to audio articles from this website can be an excellent way to inspire others to explore and share their own life story.

StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world.

We do this to remind one another of our shared humanity, to strengthen and build the connections between people, to teach the value of listening, and to weave into the fabric of our culture the understanding that everyone’s story matters. At the same time, we are creating an invaluable archive for future generations.