Web Articles
Ira R. Byock, M.D. Yvonne J. Corbeil “Caring When Cure Is No Longer Possible” 2014 (Full Text)
Christina Puchalski et al. “Improving the Quality of Spiritual Care as a Dimension of Palliative Care: The Report of the Consensus Conferencehttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19807235/” Journal of Palliative Medicine. Volume 12, Number 10, 2009 (Full Text)
Anna-Leila Williams “Perspectives on spirituality at the end of life: A meta-summary” Palliative and Supportive Care 4(4):407-17 · December 2006 (Full Text)
Paul T. P. Wong “Meaning of Life and Meaning of Death in Successful Aging” International Network on Personal Meaning (Full Text)
Aleix Vilalta, et al. “Evaluation of Spiritual Needs of Patients with Advanced Cancer in a Palliative Care Unit” J Palliat Med. 2014 May 1; 17(5): 592–600. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2013.0569 (Full Text)
Providence Institute for Human Caring
“Illness, caregiving, dying and grief are profoundly personal, not only for the individual who is sick, but also for everyone who loves that person.” — Dr. Ira Byock, chief medical officer of the Providence Institute for Human Caring
At the Providence Institute for Human Caring, we believe that whole person care is critical to helping patients and their families cope with serious illness at the end of life. This requires attending to the body, mind and spirit.
Ira Byock Website
The website featuring Ira Byock’s writings and work in the field of Palliative Care and Patient Rights.