Questions & Answers

Q. What is Soul & Science?
A. Soul & Science is a virtual destination for caregiver support, education and inspiration on a range of timely topics.
Q. Why was Soul & Science created?
A. Soul & Science was created in response to many caregivers who are stretched thin by time and resources to travel for continuing professional development.
Q. Who developed Soul & Science?
A. Soul & Science was created by Sacred Art of Living Center, the producers of internationally acclaimed health care training programs for more than 20 years. Click here for more information.
Q. How does Soul & Science work?
A. Soul & Science is a series of video-based lessons and interactive learning guides that can be accessed through your web browser on any computer or other mobile device with internet access.
Q. How are Soul & Science lessons structured?
A. Soul & Science lessons are created around creative video teachings called “Take Five for Caregivers” and are typically five minutes in length. Each lesson is accompanied by valuable learning guides, best practices and a wealth of information for deeper learning and research.
Q. How many Soul & Science lessons make up a series?
A. Every Soul & Science lesson is a part of a series— with five lessons per series.
Q. Who would benefit from Soul & Science?
A. Any allied health care professional will find value in the clinical best practices and supportive lessons; complementary health caregivers will also appreciate the wide range of supportive Soul & Science practices and resources.
Q. Is Soul & Science appropriate for non-professional caregivers?
A. Soul & Science has been created in two versions—one for professionally trained health caregivers and another tailored for family and incidental caregivers.
Q. When will Soul & Science be available?
A. Soul & Science is now available to the general public, having launched on May 1, 2016.
Q. How much does Soul & Science cost?
A. Each Soul & Science series can be purchased for $4.99 and includes both video and learning guide components. Individuals can purchase a full year (twelve month) subscription with access to the entire Soul & Science virtual library of series for $50.
Q. How can an organization access the professional version of Soul & Science?
A. Organizational subscriptions for Soul & Science are now available to any health care organization regardless of size or location. All care provider-employees of the participating institution may have access to the entire Soul & Science virtual library of series. Every Soul & Science lesson includes specially designed Learning Guides for individual and small group study. Continuing education credits for selected professionals will also be available. Subscription rates are based on the size and mission of an organization. Consult the Organization Subscription Rate Sheet for the special introductory rates.