Books: Possibilities in Life Transitions Lesson 3


Coma: The Dreambody Near Death Paperback 

– Arnold Mindell, 2009

coma dreambody near death bookArnold Mindell offers inspiring and though provoking examples of innovative techniques for communicating with those often thought to be past human interaction. This is a great resource for anyone interested in exploring new and creative realms of human communication and spiritual journeying when coping with life-threatening illness.


Coma: A Healing Journey 

―Amy Mindell, 1999

Coma, a healing journey bookIntroduced in this groundbreaking work are new ethics, and new skills and metaskills in working with and supporting people in comas. Step-by-step exercises teach how to get in contact with comatose people in a non-intrusive way, and how to establish a way of yes-no communication. An in-depth training in coma work for health care professionals is provided, and methods and support for family members wishing to be close to and communicate with their loved ones thought lost to coma is discussed.

Inside Coma: A New View of Awareness, Healing, and Hope 

―Pierre Morin M.D., Gary Reiss Ph.D., 2010

Inside Coma Book

Offering a new view and a fascinating understanding of coma states, this hope-filled work explains technology-driven insights and describes practices with which family members and caregivers can help promote recovery.

-Heartwarming stories that engender genuine hope for professionals and families dealing with this most difficult area of treatment

-More than 20 relevant exercises that help the reader to understand the coma state and how to be most useful to the person in this state

-An appendix that expands on scientific and philosophical concepts introduced in the book and includes reference links

-A glossary of basic terms of process-oriented coma work and related medical terms

-A bibliography