Web Articles
Richard Groves, “Facing our Mortality: Transforming our Suffering“ International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies Int. J. Appl. Psychoanal. Studies 7(2): 172–179 (2010)Published online 25 March 2010 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/aps.238 (for purchase)
Chapman CR, Gavrin J, “The Phenomenon of Suffering and Its Relationship to Pain“ Journal of Palliative Care [1993, 9(2):5-13] (for purchase)
Michael K. Kearney; Radhule B. Weininger; Mary L. S. Vachon; et al. Life, “Self Care of Physicians Caring for Patients at the End of Life: Being Connected . . . A Key to My Survival” JAMA 2009;301(11):1155-1164 (doi:10.1001/jama.2009.352) (Full Text)
Verna Benner Carson, RN, PhD, CS; Harry Green, PhD, “Spiritual Well-Being: A Predictor of Hardiness in Patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome” Journal of Professional Nursing Volume 8, Issue 4, July–August 1992, Pages 209-220 (for purchase or available for free for care providers)
Angeliki Kerasidou and Ruth Horn, “Making Space for Empathy: Supporting Doctors in the Emotional Labour of Clinical Care” BMC Med Ethics. 2016; 17: 8. (Full Text)
Johanna Shapiro PhD, “The Feeling Physician: Educating the Emotions in Medical Training” European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare Vol 1 Issue 2 pp 310-316 2012 (Full Text)
R.P. Chhabra et al. “The Spiritual Dimension: Its Importance to Patients’ Health, Well-being and Quality of Life and Its Implications for Nursing Practice” hr. J. Nurs. Srud., Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 457 468, 1995 (Full Text Available for Individuals in Education and Healthcare Professions)
Christina M. Puchalski, “The Role of Spirituality in Health Care” Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2001 Oct; 14(4): 352–357. (Full Text)
Thomas R. Egnew, EdD, LICSW, “The Meaning Of Healing: Transcending Suffering” Annals of Family Medicine Vol. 3, NO. 3 May/June 2005. (Full Text)
Deirdre E. Mylod and Thomas H. Lee, MDA, “Framework for Reducing Suffering in Health Care” Harvard Business Review, November 14, 2013 (Full Text)
Isabella Noelle Chiong, “Is Emotional Pain Worse than Physical Pain?” The Stem People. 2016 (Full Text)
Sacred Art of Living Center
Website of the Sacred Art of Living Center, sponsor of the Soul & Science project.
iFred (International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression)
The mission of International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression (iFred) is to shine a positive light on depression and eliminate the stigma associated with the disease through prevention, research and education. Its goal is to ensure 100% of the 350 million people affected by depression seek and receive treatment.
Ernst Becker Foundation
Foundation of the Pulitzer Prize winning author and researcher, Ernst Becker, whose book, The Denial of Death challenges American and Western culture to investigate how the issues of mortality and meaning influence every person’s life, health and well being.