1) Read the academic journal articles listed below before starting the exam.
2) Take the post-test and submit your answers. The test questions will be based on content from these two articles and a selection of key concepts from the Soul & Science video series. You must have 80% correct for a passing score. If you fail to achieve a passing grade, the test may be reset and taken again.
Article 1:
Boyle, D., (Jan 31, 2011) “Countering Compassion Fatigue: A Requisite Nursing Agenda” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 16, No. 1, Manuscript 2.
PDF of Article #1
Link to Article #1
Article 2:
Gleichgerrcht, Ezequiel, and Jean Decety. “The Relationship between Different Facets of Empathy, Pain Perception and Compassion Fatigue among Physicians.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8 (2014): 243. PMC. Web. 10 Aug. 2016.