Web Articles
Robert A. Neimeyer, Joachim Wittkowski, Richard P. Moser “Psychological Research on Death Attitudes: An Overview and Evaluation” Death Studies, 28: 3097340, 2004 Copyright #Taylor & Francis Inc. ISSN: 0748-1187 print / 1091-7683 online. (Full Text)
Rebecca Helen Lehto, Karen Farchaus Stein, “Death Anxiety: An Analysis of an Evolving Concept” Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2009 © 2009 Springer Publishing Company 23 DOI: 10.1891/1541-6577.23.1.23. (Full Text)
Paul T. Wong, Adrian Tomer “Beyond Terror and Denial: The Positive Psychology of Death Acceptance” Death Studies, 35: 99–106, 2011 Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC (link not provided here. Use the following URL address for access: http://www.drpaulwong.com/documents/wong-PP-of-death-acceptance-death-studies2011.pdf)
Paul T. P. Wong “From Death Anxiety to Death Acceptance” International Network on Personal Meaning. (Full Text)
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Stanford Wessler, and Louis V. Avioli, “On Death and Dying” JAMA, July 10, 1972. Vol. 221. No 2. (Full Text)
Ira Byock, “The Meaning and Value of Death” Journal of Palliative Medicine Volume 5, Number 2, 2002. (Full Text)
Wong, P.T.P., Reker, G.T., & Gesser, G. “Death Attitude Profile-Revised (DAP-R)”
International Network on Personal Meaning
INPM is an international, multidisciplinary, learned society founded by Paul T. P. Wong in 1998 to expand the legacy and vision of Dr. Viktor Frankl. The mission statement is as follows: The INPM is dedicated to advancing health, spirituality, peace and human fulfillment through research, education and applied psychology with a focus on the universal human quest for meaning and purpose.
Sacred Art of Living Center
Website of the Sacred Art of Living Center, sponsor of the Soul & Science project.
Ernst Becker Foundation
Foundation of the Pulitzer Prize winning author and researcher, Ernst Becker, whose book, The Denial of Death challenges American and Western culture to investigate how the issues of mortality and meaning influence every person’s life, health and well being.