Web Articles
Elizabeth Hunter, Graham Rowles “Leaving a Legacy: Toward a Typology” Journal of Aging Studies 19(3):327-347 · August 2005 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaging.2004.08.002 (Full Text)
Jiska Cohen-Mansfield et al. “Wisdom of Generations: A Pilot Study of the Values Transmitted in Ethical Wills of Nursing Home Residents and Student Volunteers” Gerontologist. 2009;49(4):525-535. (Full Text)
Constance Gustkeoct “The Ethical Will, an Ancient Concept, Is Revamped for the Tech Age.” 31, 2014. (Full Text)
“Ethical Wills: Passing on Treasures of the Heart” North Carolina State University (Full Text)
“Ethical Will Workbook” Poulos Law Firm (Full PDF)
Ä James W. Pennebaker, Janel D. Seagal “Forming a Story: The Health Benefits of Narrative” J Clin Psychol 55: 1243–1254, 1999. (Full Text)
Elizabeth G. Hunter “Beyond Death: Inheriting the Past and Giving to the Future, Transmitting the Legacy of One’s Self.” OMEGA, Vol. 56(4) 313-329, 2007-2008. (Full Text)
Elizabeth Hunter “The legacy of cancer: the importance of passing on beliefs, values, and positive health behaviors for women with cancer” Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 26(1):101-21 · January 2008. (Full Text)
Beverley Williams, Lesa Woodby, Patricia Drentea “Ethical capital: ‘What’s a poor man got to leave?’” Sociology of Health & Illness Volume 32, Issue 6, pages 880–897, September 2010. (Full Text)
Rebecca S. Allen, et al., “Legacy Activities as Interventions Approaching the End of Life” J Palliat Med. 2008 Sep; 11(7): 1029–1038. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2007.0294. (Full Text)
Kimberly A. Wade-Benzoni, Harris Sondak, Adam D. Galinsky “Leaving a Legacy: Intergenerational Allocations of Benefits and Burdens” Business Ethics Quarterly 20:1 (January 2010); ISSN 1052-150X. (Full Text)
The Legacy Project
The Legacy Project is an independent, big-picture research, learning, and social innovation group that works across generations.
Drawing on the natural and social sciences, our YOU 177 global initiative is about building 7-Generation communities.
The Legacy Project’s three banner programs reflect the three levels of legacy. LifeDreams explores personal development and creating your life. Across Generations explores our connections with others, and encourages closer relationships between generations. Our World explores how each of us can help change the world to address issues like building stronger communities and caring for the environment.
The Center for Conscious Eldering
The Center for Conscious Eldering, based in Durango, Colorado, is dedicated to supporting the development ofconscious elders. We do so by offering coaching, Choosing Conscious Elderhood retreats, and introductory workshops. This is our passion, purpose and talent. We serve those in and approaching that period of life, sometimes called “The Third Age,” who hear the call to age consciously.
LeadingAge Website
The mission of LeadingAge is to expand the world of possibilities for aging. LeadingAge 6,000+ members and partners include not-for-profit organizations representing the entire field of aging services, 38 state partners, hundreds of businesses, consumer groups, foundations and research partners.
Sage-ing International
Sage-ing International is an organization with the mission of helping to change our society’s current belief system from aging to sage-ing—that is, from simply becoming old to aging consciously. We believe that the wisdom and gifts of conscious elders is urgently needed in today’s world, and sage-ing supports the development of such elders. Sage-ing is both a philosophy and a set of psychological and spiritual practices, originally developed by Zalman Schachter Shalomi, that support living with passion, purpose, inner growth and commitment to service as we age.
ASA: The American Society on Aging
ASA is the essential resource to cultivate leadership, advance knowledge, and strengthen the skills of those who work with, and on behalf of, older adults.