Web Articles
Baumeister, Roy F.; Stillwell, Arlene M.; Heatherton, Todd F. “Guilt: An interpersonal approach.” Psychological Bulletin, Vol 115(2), Mar 1994, 243-267. (full PDF)
Sally Abrahms “Managing Caregiver Emotions” AARP, November 2012
DAW HOLLOWAY “Guilt can do good” American Psychological Association November 2005, Vol 36, No. 10 (full text)
de Hooge, Ilona E., Zeelenberg, Marcel and Breugelmans, Seger M. (2007) “Moral sentiments and cooperation: Differential influences of shame and guilt”, Cognition & Emotion, 21:5, 1025 – 1042 (full PDF)
Pronovost PJ, Bienvenu O. “From Shame to Guilt to Love.” JAMA. 2015;314(23):2507-2508. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.11521. (full text)
Juliana Breines “The Healthy Way to Forgive Yourself” Greater Good Center August 23, 2012
Stacey Kennelly “When Guilt Stops Gratitude” Greater Good Center January 14, 2014
Alex Dixon “Is guilt good?” Greater Good Center, September 1, 2007
Louise Chang, MD “Is Guilt Getting the Best of You?” Web MD 2006
Sacred Art of Living Center
Website of the Sacred Art of Living Center, sponsor of the Soul & Science project.
The lesson author’s site for bereaved people.
Greater Good Website
The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
Based at the University of California, Berkeley, the GGSC is unique in its commitment to both science and practice: Not only do we sponsor groundbreaking scientific research into social and emotional well-being, we help people apply this research to their personal and professional lives. Since 2001, we have been at the fore of a new scientific movement to explore the roots of happy and compassionate individuals, strong social bonds, and altruistic behavior—the science of a meaningful life. And we have been without peer in our award-winning efforts to translate and disseminate this science to the public.