Befriending Compassion Fatigue Series Post Test (CME) Quiz

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  1. 1. Match the word to its definition. Choose the word that is defined by: “A state of active, open attention to the present”

  2. 2. Match the word to its definition. Choose the word that is defined by: Finding the balance between all “aspects of empathy so as to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue, while ensuring [care providers] are still capable [of] eliciting an empathic response strong enough to be motivated to assist patients as needed.”

  3. 3. Choose the word that is defined by: “The biological predisposition to resonate emotionally with another person [which] is regarded as a critical aspect of social interaction.”

  4. 4. Choose the word that is defined by: “. . . emotional exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job, and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of personal accomplishment.”

  5. 5. Choose the word that is defined by: “. . . a severe malaise resulting from caring for patients experiencing varying aspects of pain (i.e., physical, emotional, social).”

  6. 6. Choose the word that is defined by: “. . . invest[ing] time and energy into nurturing the self, in order to nurture others. It involves establishing a self-care plan that is relentlessly carried out in an attempt to enhance a calm state.”

  7. 7. Choose the word that is defined by: The situation where “empathy becomes overwhelmed because of our own stories, our own situation, or our own fears”

  8. 8. Choose the word that is defined by: “. . . being highly present, sensitively attuned, well-boundaried, and feeling heartfelt empathic engagement.”

  9. 9. Fill in the blank: This series has been named “Befriending Compassion Fatigue” because it is important that care providers stay in touch with their humanity and learn ways to _____________in the face of suffering so those providing care can remain well, and in that wellness remain present for the patients.

  10. 10. Choose the appropriate definition: Mirror Neurons are a class of neurons that ____________.

  11. 11. Intro to next section: Article 1 states that there are “three categories of interventions that can be used to ameliorate the intensity of compassion fatigue. . .” Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Bereavement interventions ______________
  12. 12. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Specialty education programs______________
  13. 13. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Attention to diet ______________
  14. 14. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Meditation ______________
  15. 15. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Support groups for staff ______________
  16. 16. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Social support ______________
  17. 17. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    End-of-life training ______________
  18. 18. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Exercise ______________
  19. 19. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Continuing education programs that augment basic emotional support competencies ______________
  20. 20. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Journaling ______________
  21. 21. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    On-site counseling ______________
  22. 22. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    Counseling/therapy ______________
  23. 23. Match the practice with the intervention category.

    De-briefing sessions ______________
  24. 24. In Article 2, which of the following was NOT listed as a research-supported benefit of successful clinical empathy?

  25. 25. True/False “Problems with compassion fatigue often emanate from a lack of basic communication skills.”

  26. 26. Fill in the blank: Article 2 reported “a study which coded interviews between physicians and lung cancer patients found that, out of 384 empathic opportunities—defined as patients’ statements including an explicit description of emotion or patients’ statements or clue that indicated an underlying emotion—physicians responded empathically to” _______ percent of the patients.

  27. 27. Which of the following is NOT a component of empathy, according to article 2?

  28. 28. True/False: Physicians with less experience perceive the pain of others more intensely than more experienced doctors and are more likely to experience compassion fatigue compared to their more seasoned colleagues.

  29. 29. Fill in the blank: Article 2 states that “This study also contributes to the idea that _______________ is necessary to benefit from the positive aspects of professional quality of life.

  30. 30. Fill in the blanks (pick two- any order is acceptable): Article 2 states “At the intersection between empathy and professional quality of life are most likely the complex processes of __________and______________.

  31. 31. Choose all that apply: According to this Soul & Science Lesson, some practices that increase self-awareness and the ability to down-regulate emotions are:

  32. 32. According to Article 1, which are data-supported institutional benefits of decreasing compassion fatigue? :

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